
[Flutter] Switch 버튼 종류 본문


[Flutter] Switch 버튼 종류

민프야 2023. 1. 9. 10:40

Flutter에서 기본으로 제공해주는 Switch는

안드로이드 스타일



Switch class - material library - Dart API

A Material Design switch. Used to toggle the on/off state of a single setting. The switch itself does not maintain any state. Instead, when the state of the switch changes, the widget calls the onChanged callback. Most widgets that use a switch will listen


IOS 스타일



CupertinoSwitch class - cupertino library - Dart API

An iOS-style switch. Used to toggle the on/off state of a single setting. The switch itself does not maintain any state. Instead, when the state of the switch changes, the widget calls the onChanged callback. Most widgets that use a switch will listen for


이 있다. 적절하게 잘 사용하면 될 것 같다.
